Trends in Seattle Crimes

Danielle Shen

Intro to Project:

Seattle is an increasingly growing city due to the boom in tech giant headquarters built there. As a result of these companies, the rise in the cost of living keeps increasing, which could lead to higher crime rates as the city becomes increasingly gentrified. This project will analyze data from the Seattle Police Department's public data sets from 2008 to 2020.

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image
In [2]:

Seattle's famous Space Needle

Many giant tech corporations have offices in Seattle, including Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Amazon to name a few. But with the influx of employees finding living in the city, the rise of living increases as the city takes advantage of the new influx of wealthy transplants by building new apartment complexes and raising rent in existing buildings. This gentrification has devastating impacts on the local community, who can't afford to live in the area anymore and are forcedd out.

To understand more about what native population is fighting for, refer to this recent publication:

The crime rates in a gentrified city also change like the population. Theorists have conflicting arguments on whether or not gentrification causes crime rates to increase or decrease. It is my hypothesis that crime rates have increased in Seattle due to gentrification and I will be using data anlysis to prove my theory.

Python Libraries used:

  1. Folium
  2. Requests
  3. Pandas
  4. Numpy
  5. datetime
  6. matplotlib

To get a better understanding of the visualization tool folium, this document provides in-depth explanations of it's basic functions:


To get a better understanding of the pandas library, this guide listed below is a quick and effiecient cheat sheet:


The CSV file used containing all the data in this project is from Seattle's official city government site. The site contains citizen, business, and visitor information sections, plus city government information. Specfically, the section used is it's Public Data Sets. In that section, it contains high value, machine-readable datasets created by the City of Seattle available for public use. The file we are using is it's "Crime data set from 2008 to Present." The following process was used to create tidy data. (In tidy data each variable forms a column and each observation forms a row.

In [3]:
!pip install folium
import folium
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn import linear_model
from datetime import datetime 
import requests #get request
import pandas as pd #pandas
import numpy as np #
import sqlite3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Collecting folium
  Downloading folium-0.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (93 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 93 kB 1.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2>=2.9 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from folium) (2.11.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from folium) (1.19.1)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from folium) (2.24.0)
Collecting branca>=0.3.0
  Downloading branca-0.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (24 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from jinja2>=2.9->folium) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->folium) (2020.6.20)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->folium) (3.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->folium) (1.25.10)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->folium) (2.10)
Installing collected packages: branca, folium
Successfully installed branca-0.4.1 folium-0.11.0

Retrieving the 2008-Present Seattle Crime Data Set:

In [4]:
url =""
seattleCrime = pd.read_csv(url)
In [5]:
Report Number Offense ID Offense Start DateTime Offense End DateTime Report DateTime Group A B Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Offense Code Precinct Sector Beat MCPP 100 Block Address Longitude Latitude
0 2020-044620 12605873663 2020-02-05 10:10:00 NaN 2020-02-05 11:24:31 A SOCIETY DRUG/NARCOTIC OFFENSES Drug/Narcotic Violations 35A W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 32XX BLOCK OF 23RD AVE W -122.385974 47.649387
1 2020-044452 12605598696 2020-02-03 08:00:00 2020-02-04 08:00:00 2020-02-05 10:06:28 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories 23G N J J3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 63XX BLOCK OF 5TH AVE NE -122.323399 47.675118
2 2020-044465 12605567653 2020-02-02 20:30:00 2020-02-02 21:30:00 2020-02-05 09:39:33 A PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery 120 N U U3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 26TH AVE NE / NE BLAKELEY ST -122.299552 47.666384
3 2020-044225 12605174036 2020-02-05 01:17:00 2020-02-05 02:21:00 2020-02-05 03:30:55 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 290 W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 22XX BLOCK OF W RAYE ST -122.384865 47.642927
4 2020-044121 12605097782 2020-02-04 22:41:00 NaN 2020-02-05 00:59:41 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 290 S R R1 NORTH BEACON HILL 25XX BLOCK OF 14TH AVE S -122.314719 47.580248
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
875269 2013-247888 7687554356 2013-07-13 01:00:00 NaN 2013-07-13 06:37:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft 240 SW F F1 PIGEON POINT 41XX BLOCK OF 20TH AVE SW -122.359028 47.565702
875270 2013-227022 7682354808 2013-06-26 11:00:00 2013-06-29 06:30:00 2013-06-29 09:43:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft 240 W Q Q3 QUEEN ANNE 1ST AVE N / VALLEY ST -122.355386 47.626251
875271 2012-045494 7672915592 2012-02-14 15:04:00 NaN 2012-02-14 15:04:00 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Shoplifting 23C N U U1 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 73XX BLOCK OF ROOSEVELT WAY NE -122.317464 47.681894
875272 2010-328592 7692227482 2010-09-19 16:59:00 NaN 2010-09-19 16:59:00 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Shoplifting 23C W M M3 DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL 5XX BLOCK OF PIKE ST -122.335018 47.610909
875273 2010-064656 7686420892 2010-02-25 18:00:00 2010-02-26 07:30:00 2010-02-26 07:54:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft 240 W Q Q2 QUEEN ANNE 26XX BLOCK OF 1ST AVE N -122.355546 47.643681

875274 rows × 17 columns

Data Analysis:

Tidying the data:

First we are checking to see the different types of crime against categories and what parent groups the crimes belong to:

In [6]:
(seattleCrime['Crime Against Category']).unique()
array(['SOCIETY', 'PROPERTY', 'PERSON', 'NOT_A_CRIME'], dtype=object)

From the entire crime data set, there are 4 categories the crimes committed against: Society, property, persons or not a crime.

In [7]:
(seattleCrime['Offense Parent Group']).unique()
       'BURGLARY/BREAKING&ENTERING'], dtype=object)

From the entire crime data set, there are 34 parent groups all the crimes committed fall under.

Let's create a scatter plot of the year 2020 mapping the offense parent groups to the crimes against category. This will provide an overall relationship between the two groups:

The matplotlib.pyplot.scatter function will be used. For a condensed run down of the functions of matplotlib, their website breaks down the basic functions:


In [8]:

for x in range(0,3000):
    array_1.append(seattleCrime.loc[x]['Offense Parent Group'])
    array_2.append(seattleCrime.loc[x]['Crime Against Category'])

plt.ylabel("Offense Parent Group")
plt.xlabel("Crime Against Category")
plt.title("Offense Parent Group vs Crime Against Category")
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f9285ee5ca0>

From this plot above, you can see for the year 2020, the most crimes committed were crimes against property because the dots are the most concentrated for that column.

To begin tidying the data, a copy of the crimes table is made to edit and modify:

In [9]:
seattleTidy = pd.read_csv(url)
# drop all the rows with Nan 
In [10]:
seattleTidy=seattleTidy.drop("Offense End DateTime",axis=1)
seattleTidy=seattleTidy.drop("Offense Code",axis=1)

# drop the dates and times the crimes ended because many are unknown. Drop the offense code because that is not going to be analyzed. 
In [11]:
crimeCounts = sorted(seattleTidy["Offense Parent Group"].unique())
# We are going to store the most populous Offense Parent Groups, AKA the most popular groups crimes commited fall under. 
# First pull all unique Offense Parent Groups 


temporary_Seattledf = seattleTidy.copy()
# create a copy of data to iterate through 

index = 0
# Function iterates through every element in the seattle crimes dataset to capture its Offense Parent Group
for ele in crimeCounts:
    crimeCounts2.append((ele, temporary_Seattledf.groupby("Offense Parent Group").count()["Offense"][0:].values[index])) 
    index += 1

crimeCounts2 = sorted(crimeCounts2, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)

# Now only pull the top 10 Offense Parent Groups 
[('LARCENY-THEFT', 220550),
 ('FRAUD OFFENSES', 35484),
 ('ROBBERY', 4075),
 ('BAD CHECKS', 2916)]
In [12]:
SeattleTop_5_crimes = crimeCounts2[0:5]
# Save the top 5 most occuring offense parent groups 
[('LARCENY-THEFT', 220550),
 ('FRAUD OFFENSES', 35484)]
In [13]:
# Now to begin looking at the times and dates each crime occured. Because the original data set already 
# has the date and crime formatted in YEAR-DAY-MONTH TIME, we only need to capture each part in a regex 
# so that the elements for the Offense's Start Date Time are easily accessible 

time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# to save the properties of column 'Offense Start DateTime'

# iterates through entire crime data set to save the elements of 'Offense Start DateTime' for easy access later
for idx in seattleTidy.index:
    piInString=str([idx,"Offense Start DateTime"])[idx,"Offense Start DateTime"] = datetime.strptime(piInString,time_format)[idx,"Report DateTime"] = datetime.strptime([idx,"Report DateTime"],time_format)

Report Number Offense ID Offense Start DateTime Report DateTime Group A B Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Precinct Sector Beat MCPP 100 Block Address Longitude Latitude
1 2020-044452 12605598696 2020-02-03 08:00:00 2020-02-05 10:06:28 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N J J3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 63XX BLOCK OF 5TH AVE NE -122.323399 47.675118
2 2020-044465 12605567653 2020-02-02 20:30:00 2020-02-05 09:39:33 A PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery N U U3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 26TH AVE NE / NE BLAKELEY ST -122.299552 47.666384
3 2020-044225 12605174036 2020-02-05 01:17:00 2020-02-05 03:30:55 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 22XX BLOCK OF W RAYE ST -122.384865 47.642927
7 2020-044104 12605029468 2020-02-04 20:30:00 2020-02-04 23:31:52 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N J J3 PHINNEY RIDGE 71XX BLOCK OF GREENWOOD AVE N -122.355309 47.680527
9 2020-044013 12605015456 2020-02-04 20:20:00 2020-02-04 22:28:09 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N U U1 SANDPOINT RAVENNA AVE NE / NE 95TH ST -122.304891 47.697564
In [14]:
# Now that we have the time each crime occured easily saved in the regex, we can plot the times each crime occured 
# for Seattle's top 5 Offense Parent Groups. This function will be able to show us if most crimes happen during
# the day or during the afternoon or night. 
Hourlycrimes = {}

for i in range(len(SeattleTop_5_crimes)):
    Hourlycrimes[SeattleTop_5_crimes[i][0]] = [] 

for idx in seattleTidy.index: 
    t =[idx,"Offense Parent Group"]

    if t in Hourlycrimes: 
        hour =[idx, "Offense Start DateTime"].hour 

for i in Hourlycrimes:      
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(Hourlycrimes[i], bins=24)
    plt.hist(Hourlycrimes[i],bins=24,color="red",edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2)
    plt.ylabel("Number of " + i)
    plt.xlabel("Hour of Day")
    plt.title(i + " Crimes per Hour")

From all 5 histograms of the 5 most common offense parent groups, from 12 AM to 10 AM is when the least amount of crimes is committed and from 10 AM to 8 PM is when the most crime is committed.

We should also map the seasons each crimes occurs because the general preseumption is that crime increases during the winter (December-February) because of higher seasonal depression leading to higher crime rates:

In [15]:
seattleTidy['SEASON OF OCCURENCE'] = None
# initialize the season that the crime occured column to nothing 

# Iterate through the data table and we can easily pull from our regex what month the crime occured in 
# from the data column "Offense Start DateTime"

for idx in seattleTidy.index:
    curr_month =[idx, "Offense Start DateTime"].month
    # grabs the month 
    if curr_month == 12 or (1 <= curr_month and curr_month <= 2):[idx,'SEASON OF OCCURENCE'] = "Winter"
    # months 12, 1 and 2 are Winter    
    elif 3 <= curr_month and curr_month <= 5:[idx,'SEASON OF OCCURENCE'] = "Spring"
    # months 3, 4, and 5 are Spring 
    elif 6 <= curr_month and curr_month <= 8:[idx,'SEASON OF OCCURENCE'] = "Summer"
     # months 6, 7, and 8 are Summer 
    elif 9 <= curr_month and curr_month <= 11:[idx,'SEASON OF OCCURENCE'] = "Fall"
    # months 9, 10 and 11 are Fall 

Report Number Offense ID Offense Start DateTime Report DateTime Group A B Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Precinct Sector Beat MCPP 100 Block Address Longitude Latitude SEASON OF OCCURENCE
1 2020-044452 12605598696 2020-02-03 08:00:00 2020-02-05 10:06:28 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N J J3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 63XX BLOCK OF 5TH AVE NE -122.323399 47.675118 Winter
2 2020-044465 12605567653 2020-02-02 20:30:00 2020-02-05 09:39:33 A PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery N U U3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 26TH AVE NE / NE BLAKELEY ST -122.299552 47.666384 Winter
3 2020-044225 12605174036 2020-02-05 01:17:00 2020-02-05 03:30:55 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 22XX BLOCK OF W RAYE ST -122.384865 47.642927 Winter
7 2020-044104 12605029468 2020-02-04 20:30:00 2020-02-04 23:31:52 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N J J3 PHINNEY RIDGE 71XX BLOCK OF GREENWOOD AVE N -122.355309 47.680527 Winter
9 2020-044013 12605015456 2020-02-04 20:20:00 2020-02-04 22:28:09 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N U U1 SANDPOINT RAVENNA AVE NE / NE 95TH ST -122.304891 47.697564 Winter
In [16]:
seattleTidy['Year Start'] = None

for idx in seattleTidy.index:
    curr_year =[idx, "Offense Start DateTime"].year[idx,'Year Start'] = curr_year
In [17]:
Report Number Offense ID Offense Start DateTime Report DateTime Group A B Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Precinct Sector Beat MCPP 100 Block Address Longitude Latitude SEASON OF OCCURENCE Year Start
1 2020-044452 12605598696 2020-02-03 08:00:00 2020-02-05 10:06:28 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N J J3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 63XX BLOCK OF 5TH AVE NE -122.323399 47.675118 Winter 2020
2 2020-044465 12605567653 2020-02-02 20:30:00 2020-02-05 09:39:33 A PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery N U U3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 26TH AVE NE / NE BLAKELEY ST -122.299552 47.666384 Winter 2020
3 2020-044225 12605174036 2020-02-05 01:17:00 2020-02-05 03:30:55 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 22XX BLOCK OF W RAYE ST -122.384865 47.642927 Winter 2020
7 2020-044104 12605029468 2020-02-04 20:30:00 2020-02-04 23:31:52 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N J J3 PHINNEY RIDGE 71XX BLOCK OF GREENWOOD AVE N -122.355309 47.680527 Winter 2020
9 2020-044013 12605015456 2020-02-04 20:20:00 2020-02-04 22:28:09 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N U U1 SANDPOINT RAVENNA AVE NE / NE 95TH ST -122.304891 47.697564 Winter 2020

Now we can also map the years the crimes occured in and if crimes are increasing with time. Gentrification in Seattle was not as high as it was in the present year (2020) and crimes rates could have increased due to the rapidly growing cost to live in the changing city:

In [18]:
Yearlycrimes2 = {}
# new data structure to map years to crimes committed 

for i in range(len(SeattleTop_5_crimes)):
    Yearlycrimes2[SeattleTop_5_crimes[i][0]] = [] 

# iterate through 
for idx in seattleTidy.index: 
    t =[idx,"Offense Parent Group"]

    if t in Yearlycrimes2: 
        year =[idx, "Offense Start DateTime"].year

for i in Yearlycrimes2:      
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(Yearlycrimes2[i], bins=24)

    plt.hist(Yearlycrimes2[i],bins=24,color="green",edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2)
    plt.ylabel("Number of " + i)
    plt.title(i + " Crimes per Year")

From the histograms comparing the years to the number of crimes committed for the top 5 most common crime parent groups, the year 2020 had the highest occurances of all 5 groups. It can imply that skyrocketing cost of living due to gentrification increases the wealth divide in the the city and crimes occur more frequently.

In [19]:
Report Number Offense ID Offense Start DateTime Report DateTime Group A B Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Precinct Sector Beat MCPP 100 Block Address Longitude Latitude SEASON OF OCCURENCE Year Start
1 2020-044452 12605598696 2020-02-03 08:00:00 2020-02-05 10:06:28 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N J J3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 63XX BLOCK OF 5TH AVE NE -122.323399 47.675118 Winter 2020
2 2020-044465 12605567653 2020-02-02 20:30:00 2020-02-05 09:39:33 A PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery N U U3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 26TH AVE NE / NE BLAKELEY ST -122.299552 47.666384 Winter 2020
3 2020-044225 12605174036 2020-02-05 01:17:00 2020-02-05 03:30:55 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 22XX BLOCK OF W RAYE ST -122.384865 47.642927 Winter 2020
7 2020-044104 12605029468 2020-02-04 20:30:00 2020-02-04 23:31:52 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N J J3 PHINNEY RIDGE 71XX BLOCK OF GREENWOOD AVE N -122.355309 47.680527 Winter 2020
9 2020-044013 12605015456 2020-02-04 20:20:00 2020-02-04 22:28:09 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N U U1 SANDPOINT RAVENNA AVE NE / NE 95TH ST -122.304891 47.697564 Winter 2020
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
875262 2020-098200 19076422682 2020-03-19 14:30:00 2020-03-20 01:28:10 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N L L2 NORTHGATE 5XX BLOCK OF NE NORTHGATE WAY -122.321918 47.708586 Spring 2020
875266 2019-223685 8335129478 2019-04-01 11:52:58 2019-06-19 13:50:53 A PROPERTY BURGLARY/BREAKING&ENTERING Burglary/Breaking & Entering W D D3 SLU/CASCADE 12XX BLOCK OF HARRISON ST -122.331070 47.621970 Spring 2019
875268 2014-122134 7699116275 2014-03-20 10:30:00 2014-04-21 15:02:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft W D D2 QUEEN ANNE 27XX BLOCK OF WESTLAKE AVE N -122.347302 47.645030 Spring 2014
875270 2013-227022 7682354808 2013-06-26 11:00:00 2013-06-29 09:43:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft W Q Q3 QUEEN ANNE 1ST AVE N / VALLEY ST -122.355386 47.626251 Summer 2013
875273 2010-064656 7686420892 2010-02-25 18:00:00 2010-02-26 07:54:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft W Q Q2 QUEEN ANNE 26XX BLOCK OF 1ST AVE N -122.355546 47.643681 Winter 2010

455133 rows × 17 columns

To plot comparing the amount of crimes committed each season, a bar graph is a good visualization tool:

In [20]:
# This function iterates through the data set to capture the season each crime occured in and adds it to the counter
# variable for each of the 4 seasons. 
crimeSeason = sorted(seattleTidy["SEASON OF OCCURENCE"].unique())
crimeSeason2 = []

tempSeason_df = seattleTidy.copy()
# make a copy of data set to iterate through 

index = 0

for ele in crimeSeason:
    crimeSeason2.append((ele, tempSeason_df.groupby("SEASON OF OCCURENCE").count()["Offense"][0:].values[index])) 
    index += 1

[('Fall', 116887), ('Spring', 117248), ('Summer', 114099), ('Winter', 106899)]

From the output above, we can see that from the years 2008 to 2020:

116,887 crimes occured during the Fall

117,248 in the Spring,

114,099 in the Summer,

and finally 106,899 in the Winter.

In [21]:
lis[0], lis[-1] = lis[-1], lis[0]
# The list is re-ordered so that the seasons appear in the correct order correct order by swapping the first and last element of the list. 
[('Winter', 106899), ('Spring', 117248), ('Summer', 114099), ('Fall', 116887)]
In [22]:
# Now we need to edit the elements of the list with crimes and seasons mapped so that it can be visualized. 
# For each index of the list:
# The tuple with (season,number of crimes) must be turned into a type (string, int) tuple 


graphOfSeasons = [(elem1, elem2) for elem1, elem2 in crimeSeason2Copy]
for (a,b) in graphOfSeasons:

<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
In [23]:
# Now we can manually create a bar graph and also plot a line graph for seasons vs. crimes committed. 
# Here is the code that uses plt functions to plot the bar graph: 

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
langs = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall']
students = [106899,117248,114099,116887],students)
plt.title("Crimes Committed Per Season From 2008 to 2020") 
plt.ylabel("Number of Crimes Committed")
In [24]:
# Must zip list of (season,crimes) to be able to plot using line graph 
plt.title("Crimes Committed Per Season From 2008 to 2020") 
plt.ylabel("Number of Crimes Committed")

The same process is repeated to plot the 5 most common Parent Offense Groups the most populous crimes committed fall under:

In [25]:
In [26]:
testList2 = [(elem1, elem2) for elem1, elem2 in crime_copy]
for (t,w) in testList2:

<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
<class 'str'> <class 'int'>
In [27]:
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
# adjust image size 
ax2 = fig2.add_axes([0,0,1,1])

# 5 most popular parent offense groups 

numC = [220201,62254,45195,42639,35439]
# corresponding number of crimes committed for each group,numC)

plt.title("Crimes Committed for Top 5 Offense Parent Groups") 
plt.xlabel("Offense Parent Group")
plt.ylabel("Number of Crimes Committed")
# lables 
In [28]:
plt.title("Crimes Committed in Each Parent Offense Group") 
plt.xlabel("Offense Parent Group")
plt.ylabel("Number of Crimes Committed")

From the graphs, we can see that Larceny-Theft is the parent group most crimes fall under, followed by burglary, then motor vehicle theft, destruction of property and lastly fraud offenses. Theft is very reasonable to be the most commonly occuring crime because in an area with high living cost, criminals know to target individuals there because they will likely have disposable income.

To look at specific offenses (crimes) committed, from the Offense column analysis, there is a large variety, including Burglary/Breaking & Entering, Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property, All Other Larceny, Robbery, Pornography/Obscene Material, Aggravated Assault, Drug/Narcotic Violations, Wire Fraud, Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud and Driving Under the Influence as the top 10 most occuring.

From the analysis above, it makes sense the specific crimes committed are mostly theft crimes, because Larceny was the most common parent group all the crimes fell under. To plot the 5 most common offenses (crimes):

In [29]:
1         Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories
2                                             Robbery
3            Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property
7            Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property
9            Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property
875262    Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories
875266                   Burglary/Breaking & Entering
875268                            Motor Vehicle Theft
875270                            Motor Vehicle Theft
875273                            Motor Vehicle Theft
Name: Offense, Length: 455133, dtype: object
In [30]:
crimewCounts = sorted(seattleTidy["Offense"].unique())
tempw_df = seattleCrime.copy()
index = 0

for ele in crimewCounts:
    crimewCounts2.append((ele, tempw_df.groupby("Offense").count()["Offense Parent Group"][0:].values[index])) 
    index += 1

crimewCounts2 = sorted(crimewCounts2, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
[('Burglary/Breaking & Entering', 95958),
 ('Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property', 80070),
 ('All Other Larceny', 73727),
 ('Robbery', 52208),
 ('Pornography/Obscene Material', 28558),
 ('Aggravated Assault', 27468),
 ('Drug/Narcotic Violations', 22863),
 ('Wire Fraud', 20267),
 ('Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud', 17741),
 ('Driving Under the Influence', 15832)]
In [31]:
In [32]:
[('Burglary/Breaking & Entering', 95958),
 ('Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property', 80070),
 ('All Other Larceny', 73727),
 ('Robbery', 52208),
 ('Pornography/Obscene Material', 28558)]
In [33]:
In [34]:
plt.title("Most Common Offenses") 
plt.ylabel("Number Committed")

Finally we can look at the areas where crimes most commonly occur. Using folium to display the areas where the crimes occured is a great visualization tool.

In [35]:
# Create a copy of data set to use for folium maps
Report Number Offense ID Offense Start DateTime Report DateTime Group A B Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Precinct Sector Beat MCPP 100 Block Address Longitude Latitude SEASON OF OCCURENCE Year Start
1 2020-044452 12605598696 2020-02-03 08:00:00 2020-02-05 10:06:28 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N J J3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 63XX BLOCK OF 5TH AVE NE -122.323399 47.675118 Winter 2020
2 2020-044465 12605567653 2020-02-02 20:30:00 2020-02-05 09:39:33 A PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery N U U3 ROOSEVELT/RAVENNA 26TH AVE NE / NE BLAKELEY ST -122.299552 47.666384 Winter 2020
3 2020-044225 12605174036 2020-02-05 01:17:00 2020-02-05 03:30:55 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property W Q Q1 MAGNOLIA 22XX BLOCK OF W RAYE ST -122.384865 47.642927 Winter 2020
7 2020-044104 12605029468 2020-02-04 20:30:00 2020-02-04 23:31:52 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N J J3 PHINNEY RIDGE 71XX BLOCK OF GREENWOOD AVE N -122.355309 47.680527 Winter 2020
9 2020-044013 12605015456 2020-02-04 20:20:00 2020-02-04 22:28:09 A PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property N U U1 SANDPOINT RAVENNA AVE NE / NE 95TH ST -122.304891 47.697564 Winter 2020
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
875262 2020-098200 19076422682 2020-03-19 14:30:00 2020-03-20 01:28:10 A PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories N L L2 NORTHGATE 5XX BLOCK OF NE NORTHGATE WAY -122.321918 47.708586 Spring 2020
875266 2019-223685 8335129478 2019-04-01 11:52:58 2019-06-19 13:50:53 A PROPERTY BURGLARY/BREAKING&ENTERING Burglary/Breaking & Entering W D D3 SLU/CASCADE 12XX BLOCK OF HARRISON ST -122.331070 47.621970 Spring 2019
875268 2014-122134 7699116275 2014-03-20 10:30:00 2014-04-21 15:02:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft W D D2 QUEEN ANNE 27XX BLOCK OF WESTLAKE AVE N -122.347302 47.645030 Spring 2014
875270 2013-227022 7682354808 2013-06-26 11:00:00 2013-06-29 09:43:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft W Q Q3 QUEEN ANNE 1ST AVE N / VALLEY ST -122.355386 47.626251 Summer 2013
875273 2010-064656 7686420892 2010-02-25 18:00:00 2010-02-26 07:54:00 A PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft W Q Q2 QUEEN ANNE 26XX BLOCK OF 1ST AVE N -122.355546 47.643681 Winter 2010

455133 rows × 17 columns

In [36]:
# Because we only care about the crime committed and the longitude and latitude of each crime, many of the prior
# crime information can be dropped to make iterating easier 

heatMapCSV=heatMapCSV.drop("Group A B",axis=1)
heatMapCSV=heatMapCSV.drop("Report DateTime",axis=1)
heatMapCSV=heatMapCSV.drop("Offense ID",axis=1) 
heatMapCSV=heatMapCSV.drop("100 Block Address",axis=1)
heatMapCSV=heatMapCSV.drop("SEASON OF OCCURENCE",axis=1)
heatMapCSV=heatMapCSV.drop("Report Number",axis=1)
Offense Start DateTime Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Longitude Latitude Year Start
1 2020-02-03 08:00:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories -122.323399 47.675118 2020
2 2020-02-02 20:30:00 PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery -122.299552 47.666384 2020
3 2020-02-05 01:17:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.384865 47.642927 2020
7 2020-02-04 20:30:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.355309 47.680527 2020
9 2020-02-04 20:20:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.304891 47.697564 2020
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
875262 2020-03-19 14:30:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories -122.321918 47.708586 2020
875266 2019-04-01 11:52:58 PROPERTY BURGLARY/BREAKING&ENTERING Burglary/Breaking & Entering -122.331070 47.621970 2019
875268 2014-03-20 10:30:00 PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft -122.347302 47.645030 2014
875270 2013-06-26 11:00:00 PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft -122.355386 47.626251 2013
875273 2010-02-25 18:00:00 PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft -122.355546 47.643681 2010

455133 rows × 7 columns

In [37]:
# Function that looks at the month pulled from crime start date and assigns the numeric month value to its string value

heatMapCSV['Month of OCCURENCE'] = None

for idx in heatMapCSV.index:
    curr_month =[idx, "Offense Start DateTime"].month
    if curr_month == 12:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "December"
    elif curr_month == 11:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "November"
    elif curr_month == 10:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "October"
    elif curr_month == 9:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "September"
    elif curr_month == 8:       [idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "August"
    elif curr_month == 7:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "July"
    elif curr_month == 6:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "June"
    elif curr_month == 5:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "May"
    elif curr_month == 4:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "April"
    elif curr_month == 3:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "March"
    elif curr_month == 2:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "February"
    elif curr_month == 1:[idx,'Month of OCCURENCE'] = "January"

Offense Start DateTime Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Longitude Latitude Year Start Month of OCCURENCE
1 2020-02-03 08:00:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories -122.323399 47.675118 2020 February
2 2020-02-02 20:30:00 PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery -122.299552 47.666384 2020 February
3 2020-02-05 01:17:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.384865 47.642927 2020 February
7 2020-02-04 20:30:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.355309 47.680527 2020 February
9 2020-02-04 20:20:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.304891 47.697564 2020 February
In [38]:
Offense Start DateTime Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Longitude Latitude Year Start Month of OCCURENCE
1 2020-02-03 08:00:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories -122.323399 47.675118 2020 February
2 2020-02-02 20:30:00 PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery -122.299552 47.666384 2020 February
3 2020-02-05 01:17:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.384865 47.642927 2020 February
7 2020-02-04 20:30:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.355309 47.680527 2020 February
9 2020-02-04 20:20:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.304891 47.697564 2020 February
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
875262 2020-03-19 14:30:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories -122.321918 47.708586 2020 March
875266 2019-04-01 11:52:58 PROPERTY BURGLARY/BREAKING&ENTERING Burglary/Breaking & Entering -122.331070 47.621970 2019 April
875268 2014-03-20 10:30:00 PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft -122.347302 47.645030 2014 March
875270 2013-06-26 11:00:00 PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft -122.355386 47.626251 2013 June
875273 2010-02-25 18:00:00 PROPERTY MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Motor Vehicle Theft -122.355546 47.643681 2010 February

455133 rows × 8 columns

Now to intialize the folium maps. Seattle, WA coordinates on the map are 47.6062° N, 122.3321° W. This translates to [47.6062, -122.331] for folium viewing.

In [39]:
# Initial display of Seattle
map_model = folium.Map(location=[47.6062, -122.331], zoom_start=11)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [40]:
# Map to display Offense Parent Group crime locations
map_parentGroup=folium.Map(location=[47.6062, -122.331], zoom_start=11)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [41]:
# intialize map to display seasons of crime occurances 
map_month = folium.Map(location=[47.6062, -122.331], zoom_start=11)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [42]:
# initialize map to display crime against locations
map_crimeAgainst=folium.Map(location=[47.6062, -122.331], zoom_start=11)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [43]:
# In order to plot the Latitude Longitude values of the crime data set, the 2 values must be made into a list 
locationsCrime = heatMapCSV[['Latitude', 'Longitude']]
Latitude Longitude
1 47.675118 -122.323399
2 47.666384 -122.299552
3 47.642927 -122.384865
7 47.680527 -122.355309
9 47.697564 -122.304891
... ... ...
875262 47.708586 -122.321918
875266 47.621970 -122.331070
875268 47.645030 -122.347302
875270 47.626251 -122.355386
875273 47.643681 -122.355546

455133 rows × 2 columns

In [44]:
# turns LAT,LONG to list
[[47.67511789, -122.323399063],
 [47.66638407, -122.29955218],
 [47.64292734, -122.384864805],
 [47.68052695, -122.355309065],
 [47.69756434, -122.30489081],
 [47.61468385, -122.316845012],
 [47.66247336, -122.32072010600001],
 [47.5859559, -122.315976829],
 [47.61932364, -122.320863694],
 [47.54294056, -122.32290903200001],
 [47.62394954, -122.361938917],
 [47.57140627, -122.33200668399999],
 [47.70233163, -122.33452432],
 [47.61859552, -122.353751129],
 [47.630894399999995, -122.36180477399999],
 [47.61221899, -122.308863594],
 [47.61221899, -122.308863594],
 [47.71354798, -122.34483426799999],
 [47.55638651, -122.314783435],
 [47.57999734, -122.30489459799999],
 [47.66218058, -122.313115709],
 [47.60709807, -122.30893628],
 [47.57876794, -122.329988664],
 [47.60512615, -122.33049384200001],
 [47.65912603, -122.34563939],
 [47.51654951, -122.378095285],
 [47.58323011, -122.383821146],
 [47.60291195, -122.334607817],
 [47.60169935, -122.320159539],
 [47.66007201, -122.34562812],
 [47.67889074, -122.26222809299999],
 [47.66365981, -122.37218016],
 [47.61018167, -122.33511980200001],
 [47.72503555, -122.34499682799999],
 [47.72503555, -122.34499682799999],
 [47.65137209, -122.38755847600001],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.59750785, -122.322052376],
 [47.70400593, -122.316877599],
 [47.61704694, -122.324495896],
 [47.58435803, -122.299022274],
 [47.60960404, -122.32922111],
 [47.54195105, -122.376509787],
 [47.70599117, -122.35545968299999],
 [47.66365981, -122.37218016],
 [47.60047410000001, -122.33287805299999],
 [47.616134100000004, -122.350186371],
 [47.52193839, -122.364542433],
 [47.5165395, -122.28512018],
 [47.63595428, -122.366339921],
 [47.62460516, -122.362586854],
 [47.66329603, -122.368605586],
 [47.61764399, -122.303753445],
 [47.61597109, -122.352887455],
 [47.51258367, -122.26472355899999],
 [47.64217288, -122.398309451],
 [47.5360414, -122.36129766200001],
 [47.61588661, -122.337879034],
 [47.61393023, -122.327804574],
 [47.60218964, -122.316781855],
 [47.62107587, -122.32089167299999],
 [47.59709367, -122.325063697],
 [47.55200342, -122.379318965],
 [47.55200342, -122.379318965],
 [47.62454524, -122.336479326],
 [47.57019913, -122.280730889],
 [47.61090902, -122.33501787600001],
 [47.60241242, -122.331082199],
 [47.57927478, -122.377542525],
 [47.65046915, -122.35448367],
 [47.5992282, -122.310924822],
 [47.60872352, -122.340630935],
 [47.59678343, -122.333268209],
 [47.61236106, -122.317913914],
 [47.64650426, -122.32519843799999],
 [47.65001037, -122.34979117299999],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.66867356, -122.388860707],
 [47.59076389, -122.317280369],
 [47.62758727, -122.344937685],
 [47.5985085, -122.286922048],
 [47.71354798, -122.34483426799999],
 [47.71354798, -122.34483426799999],
 [47.61264032, -122.324320572],
 [47.62500382, -122.351483825],
 [47.60882096, -122.34001342200001],
 [47.65982286, -122.31548087200001],
 [47.56935997, -122.392108224],
 [47.60951744, -122.338348304],
 [47.69906761, -122.341927731],
 [47.68253569, -122.300744931],
 [47.65980204, -122.31374637399999],
 [47.66221425, -122.31840882200001],
 [47.72323367, -122.35554670799999],
 [47.66595739, -122.382666321],
 [47.61097516, -122.338146742],
 [47.61730887, -122.35316864],
 [47.67032171, -122.290822445],
 [47.61730887, -122.35316864],
 [47.56558373, -122.377447628],
 [47.56473744, -122.3874491],
 [47.61669063, -122.346170622],
 [47.56742553, -122.37744548799999],
 [47.61588924, -122.300082009],
 [47.66129873, -122.31763816200001],
 [47.61523114, -122.323415475],
 [47.61628073, -122.33357712700001],
 [47.64254854, -122.35555354],
 [47.54761638, -122.334314673],
 [47.68592294, -122.32697455],
 [47.65912662, -122.34669439700001],
 [47.72323212, -122.354866194],
 [47.64650426, -122.32519843799999],
 [47.57215315, -122.37709168200001],
 [47.63239628, -122.28268729],
 [47.66292138, -122.365097046],
 [47.62586164, -122.363883734],
 [47.65832864, -122.314363316],
 [47.6158847, -122.33294187],
 [47.65604983, -122.35446663],
 [47.592553499999994, -122.306241505],
 [47.54098986, -122.354956677],
 [47.57291861, -122.294005649],
 [47.59748648, -122.31027812299999],
 [47.51343904, -122.252409725],
 [47.66867758, -122.38392862100001],
 [47.61090902, -122.33501787600001],
 [47.55484507, -122.266994952],
 [47.58501972, -122.303257158],
 [47.56811919, -122.313450994],
 [47.62370445, -122.32304886899999],
 [47.66138576, -122.33568334799999],
 [47.65849092, -122.320841552],
 [47.67539722, -122.315657945],
 [47.70858578, -122.321918379],
 [47.64777379, -122.35609156299999],
 [47.59857935, -122.302231478],
 [47.61927445, -122.32482906899999],
 [47.62673542, -122.36191479600001],
 [47.62673542, -122.36191479600001],
 [47.68674595, -122.318902466],
 [47.58197915, -122.30818118200001],
 [47.61873646, -122.32152064600001],
 [47.61097885, -122.316779126],
 [47.56385064, -122.38812762799999],
 [47.65916004, -122.288760522],
 [47.69781254, -122.34595549999999],
 [47.63292033, -122.36762984200001],
 [47.61790609, -122.352191366],
 [47.66138572, -122.33990953200001],
 [47.614577600000004, -122.327915389],
 [47.56951609, -122.31359716899999],
 [47.61522861, -122.322772701],
 [47.66338968, -122.37964207700001],
 [47.65462125, -122.32789108799999],
 [47.6258506, -122.36126704200001],
 [47.64074809, -122.35398105],
 [47.6477706, -122.35390970799999],
 [47.69326938, -122.34240219700001],
 [47.67729636, -122.318739014],
 [47.61836608, -122.352969299],
 [47.66701275, -122.40931229799999],
 [47.5191963, -122.356811165],
 [47.6718745, -122.35771846899999],
 [47.61264032, -122.324320572],
 [47.61730887, -122.35316864],
 [47.68413737, -122.37786007],
 [47.56347818, -122.362400992],
 [47.60736381, -122.34021613899999],
 [47.61628073, -122.33357712700001],
 [47.70858578, -122.321918379],
 [47.67669047, -122.29165379],
 [47.61605329, -122.336165507],
 [47.61991247, -122.32020609799999],
 [47.71951899, -122.328232531],
 [47.72867309, -122.343009348],
 [47.54977227, -122.288887697],
 [47.54328358, -122.396531383],
 [47.61064592, -122.33401037799999],
 [47.66332336, -122.298411155],
 [47.60865749, -122.32075579299999],
 [47.60925299, -122.33733875],
 [47.60925299, -122.33733875],
 [47.52102254, -122.365221006],
 [47.54566315, -122.283336908],
 [47.61132124, -122.337320423],
 [47.65123952, -122.384674317],
 [47.63103937, -122.391970804],
 [47.54970394, -122.277134581],
 [47.61581931, -122.32080789700001],
 [47.620491799999996, -122.320882286],
 [47.65046915, -122.35448367],
 [47.61210339, -122.333808099],
 [47.58025306, -122.31602335],
 [47.6067848, -122.331243552],
 [47.63347746, -122.345942425],
 [47.52011422, -122.355134625],
 [47.64939241, -122.383361499],
 [47.61205117, -122.324549777],
 [47.72919593, -122.32542270799999],
 [47.6841481, -122.37678325],
 [47.63272539, -122.34595052700001],
 [47.56203576, -122.378112262],
 [47.71307948, -122.313996581],
 [47.65296539, -122.357661744],
 [47.63577659, -122.282005215],
 [47.67668862, -122.294062955],
 [47.64650426, -122.32519843799999],
 [47.61375921, -122.347163621],
 [47.62034258, -122.352825467],
 [47.52555707, -122.346740721],
 [47.56203576, -122.378112262],
 [47.54750296, -122.321438931],
 [47.66646689, -122.38475007],
 [47.56203576, -122.378112262],
 [47.52937273, -122.37663737700001],
 [47.61239802, -122.340892454],
 [47.66311774, -122.31742343299999],
 [47.6168222, -122.33746479],
 [47.59178012, -122.301291202],
 [47.62208691, -122.350854024],
 [47.68170464, -122.28839846700001],
 [47.67133528, -122.409492551],
 [47.60898867, -122.33632991700001],
 [47.70598736, -122.35412029999999],
 [47.57449356, -122.289877561],
 [47.64970651, -122.35052537899999],
 [47.6656842, -122.316324693],
 [47.54889699, -122.286264518],
 [47.62262048, -122.337146941],
 [47.6487836, -122.32343616899999],
 [47.61351951, -122.320771381],
 [47.57075994, -122.29101029],
 [47.60166172, -122.299444169],
 [47.52730949, -122.270742451],
 [47.62024125, -122.331700196],
 [47.69764538, -122.316205456],
 [47.54382608, -122.27263623],
 [47.63246376, -122.375834105],
 [47.63225641, -122.324956055],
 [47.65832864, -122.314363316],
 [47.614577600000004, -122.327915389],
 [47.61521815, -122.326804185],
 [47.64537245, -122.36220142799999],
 [47.65415054, -122.357658115],
 [47.66692039, -122.360801329],
 [47.6170232, -122.34574118100001],
 [47.65307548, -122.34533886],
 [47.62797487, -122.36686463299999],
 [47.60951744, -122.338348304],
 [47.60620026, -122.316125608],
 [47.56888116, -122.289921964],
 [47.56834147, -122.366755447],
 [47.60169337, -122.31678189799999],
 [47.5406801, -122.275965432],
 [47.67495519, -122.348475299],
 [47.61222186, -122.34456269399999],
 [47.61523808, -122.32040741700001],
 [47.57259101, -122.385670692],
 [47.62320194, -122.336490221],
 [47.61351951, -122.320771381],
 [47.66222203, -122.319560828],
 [47.59515308, -122.30966889],
 [47.57742324, -122.306707069],
 [47.6303008, -122.32888058],
 [47.65135709, -122.39489671700001],
 [47.65977588, -122.400349386],
 [47.59626534, -122.319220391],
 [47.69061787, -122.359314737],
 [47.62079119, -122.302490423],
 [47.61522188, -122.32500074200001],
 [47.66055372, -122.315461665],
 [47.65046915, -122.35448367],
 [47.55409938, -122.26699284799999],
 [47.61327122, -122.34435339299999],
 [47.55169177, -122.325621124],
 [47.6759485, -122.387584729],
 [47.66426055, -122.382134597],
 [47.59999561, -122.305347166],
 [47.66127317, -122.31370774700001],
 [47.60878866, -122.338449515],
 [47.6621407, -122.353980639],
 [47.66438409, -122.36861026],
 [47.61144442, -122.322461532],
 [47.62151944, -122.355428986],
 [47.67386923, -122.34921452299999],
 [47.66590904, -122.38407773600001],
 [47.60956556, -122.306308505],
 [47.69167434, -122.392944846],
 [47.66222203, -122.319560828],
 [47.66127317, -122.31370774700001],
 [47.71194078, -122.28930893399999],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.68252504, -122.263683194],
 [47.52195143, -122.35511453],
 [47.657916799999995, -122.316665195],
 [47.65659558, -122.317826636],
 [47.68549113, -122.348556109],
 [47.63230108, -122.346263792],
 [47.54442736, -122.390001177],
 [47.66068016, -122.394959875],
 [47.68476424, -122.34314261],
 [47.62369897, -122.320933335],
 [47.6010021, -122.30223583700001],
 [47.62458989, -122.358668576],
 [47.56291163, -122.386775316],
 [47.66332336, -122.298411155],
 [47.60378135, -122.338424085],
 [47.51517049, -122.37327695399999],
 [47.60266908, -122.303083645],
 [47.522661799999995, -122.322978958],
 [47.6106779, -122.33557402299999],
 [47.6506252, -122.350545827],
 [47.62676478, -122.325596007],
 [47.62198537, -122.320415237],
 [47.61316683, -122.342192704],
 [47.53673888, -122.33113442700001],
 [47.68045515, -122.37677179],
 [47.521947999999995, -122.357805911],
 [47.62459539, -122.35997484100001],
 [47.61051065, -122.339256992],
 [47.59918657, -122.318430722],
 [47.61173309, -122.341752608],
 [47.53887651, -122.389423618],
 [47.66794353, -122.336386268],
 [47.65741891, -122.339734034],
 [47.61796543, -122.3503095],
 [47.61173309, -122.341752608],
 [47.54786831, -122.376377224],
 [47.62443829, -122.311319706],
 [47.653149400000004, -122.336891881],
 [47.68592294, -122.32697455],
 [47.71691267, -122.357055968],
 [47.6818033, -122.348140628],
 [47.62256335, -122.322016608],
 [47.62081538, -122.332345086],
 [47.6465158, -122.35054705200001],
 [47.5899869, -122.317744679],
 [47.60878866, -122.338449515],
 [47.53979464, -122.27399864200001],
 [47.64073924, -122.34801104799999],
 [47.56380429, -122.329368515],
 [47.58295413, -122.30166388100001],
 [47.54925505, -122.329580805],
 [47.54267933, -122.298060435],
 [47.61096316, -122.31281927299999],
 [47.6613414, -122.324572069],
 [47.60829217, -122.337995355],
 [47.67844054, -122.32716025200001],
 [47.61027832, -122.339812453],
 [47.59678343, -122.333268209],
 [47.62678118, -122.355383386],
 [47.61210339, -122.333808099],
 [47.68657154, -122.339777827],
 [47.60882096, -122.34001342200001],
 [47.64260983, -122.32463795299999],
 [47.63555139, -122.340449804],
 [47.65908266, -122.31550035],
 [47.55371913, -122.26869601899999],
 [47.62024125, -122.331700196],
 [47.71407537, -122.32876021],
 [47.60602417, -122.34013604],
 [47.61021404, -122.336683423],
 [47.61239802, -122.340892454],
 [47.72640779, -122.355553881],
 [47.565835899999996, -122.402894894],
 [47.60733885, -122.326381982],
 [47.53414405, -122.329758715],
 [47.65984569, -122.28274756],
 [47.61465549, -122.320789514],
 [47.61078997, -122.29883299299999],
 [47.61078997, -122.29883299299999],
 [47.55697692, -122.38689807],
 [47.66221425, -122.31840882200001],
 [47.61351951, -122.320771381],
 [47.63299911, -122.34228237],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.515991799999995, -122.259361646],
 [47.60203767, -122.329191024],
 [47.60217535, -122.307659486],
 [47.66138572, -122.33990953200001],
 [47.60469505, -122.33623842899999],
 [47.66944627, -122.38050518],
 [47.60310245, -122.318101814],
 [47.53696508, -122.26459826],
 [47.61289269, -122.289833519],
 [47.60129045, -122.326352374],
 [47.61206556, -122.341322535],
 [47.67017748, -122.38050834799999],
 [47.62776746, -122.308630228],
 [47.72586925, -122.326212556],
 [47.68777624, -122.333133074],
 [47.66503856, -122.367398557],
 [47.68776532, -122.331029784],
 [47.58868133, -122.384994246],
 [47.67417226, -122.365579525],
 [47.54970791, -122.37231413],
 [47.59749957, -122.317226728],
 [47.54102078, -122.359595869],
 [47.61764314, -122.339844859],
 [47.61748617, -122.336606604],
 [47.56616436, -122.36945052799999],
 [47.53803809, -122.393522869],
 [47.64940239, -122.38975847299999],
 [47.61351951, -122.320771381],
 [47.61337517, -122.34651295100001],
 [47.55059186, -122.312324244],
 [47.61655803, -122.332067369],
 [47.60469505, -122.33623842899999],
 [47.65048622, -122.333281162],
 [47.59031253, -122.335568737],
 [47.56203576, -122.378112262],
 [47.70506663, -122.350438994],
 [47.63434575, -122.346708374],
 [47.54586222, -122.300465341],
 [47.66602881, -122.31842609899999],
 [47.67165303, -122.394264755],
 [47.72321155, -122.344976874],
 [47.64343028, -122.30379808200001],
 [47.62747889, -122.316790825],
 [47.68736239, -122.274140565],
 [47.55059186, -122.312324244],
 [47.59828765, -122.331580821],
 [47.71327157, -122.360878336],
 [47.61711857, -122.33813721899999],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.66212687, -122.336425972],
 [47.693520299999996, -122.362005575],
 [47.61207057, -122.33224407899999],
 [47.56281944, -122.288370356],
 [47.56281944, -122.288370356],
 [47.62024434, -122.33042040299999],
 [47.5586471, -122.28210206899999],
 [47.62635868, -122.353424674],
 [47.69873276, -122.35125516],
 [47.64689712, -122.36073516100001],
 [47.60088279, -122.333852598],
 [47.66400406, -122.31422406],
 [47.60622921, -122.33610794399999],
 [47.69421686, -122.35533949399999],
 [47.69421686, -122.35533949399999],
 [47.630894399999995, -122.36180477399999],
 [47.61382604, -122.33461676299999],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.61432034, -122.344143639],
 [47.69367379, -122.376800685],
 [47.60519799, -122.324423057],
 [47.59123749, -122.29290369799999],
 [47.66789134, -122.376215692],
 [47.63936189, -122.34481514299999],
 [47.57182077, -122.401455744],
 [47.67152891, -122.343686961],
 [47.55029129999999, -122.386360335],
 [47.65125414, -122.38254774200001],
 [47.64254112, -122.38486258200001],
 [47.5970607, -122.30636336399999],
 [47.66219941, -122.317451102],
 [47.62624866, -122.354081443],
 [47.60981959, -122.326346825],
 [47.55286517, -122.37494377899999],
 [47.60214897, -122.334176844],
 [47.64633864, -122.36073931700001],
 [47.72961987, -122.358249806],
 [47.67756433, -122.32391191],
 [47.63812079, -122.394228475],
 [47.60882096, -122.34001342200001],
 [47.60951366, -122.29885022799999],
 [47.663236600000005, -122.353971569],
 [47.59749563, -122.31499334600001],
 [47.6353476, -122.37167213299999],
 [47.52611725, -122.279013428],
 [47.53933802, -122.278067349],
 [47.60683220000001, -122.315466047],
 [47.67017314, -122.377548124],
 [47.69421686, -122.35533949399999],
 [47.56888116, -122.289921964],
 [47.58636268, -122.31336275299999],
 [47.66569311, -122.36739736700001],
 [47.67017143, -122.376213105],
 [47.68086876, -122.318105838],
 [47.66218058, -122.313115709],
 [47.66126195, -122.31199331299999],
 [47.59793449, -122.32636549200001],
 [47.61407001, -122.323401481],
 [47.61163943, -122.334918446],
 [47.51728498, -122.342238437],
 [47.53641053, -122.387306785],
 [47.58085339, -122.335124811],
 [47.54381503, -122.273741067],
 [47.61586644, -122.314251704],
 [47.60922844, -122.31711381299999],
 [47.59918733, -122.320331973],
 [47.66438257, -122.283362769],
 [47.6506252, -122.350545827],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.6506252, -122.350545827],
 [47.67598308, -122.366290818],
 [47.68947337, -122.360648295],
 [47.56397206, -122.37877029399999],
 [47.63740507, -122.347707544],
 [47.49896304, -122.26101785799999],
 [47.69873276, -122.35125516],
 [47.66323339, -122.351475619],
 [47.6169873, -122.320826482],
 [47.62367132, -122.29489427799999],
 [47.72943438, -122.364646459],
 [47.69244514, -122.360001634],
 [47.50731753, -122.378728685],
 [47.60276918, -122.331408526],
 [47.60690257, -122.34133454399999],
 [47.681263799999996, -122.35944629299999],
 [47.68779109, -122.380017781],
 [47.55307106, -122.395030175],
 [47.62196996, -122.33107017399999],
 [47.57981138, -122.33512489299999],
 [47.52196556, -122.376730708],
 [47.66508479, -122.38310615],
 [47.61973228, -122.345656443],
 [47.69288726, -122.30048929700001],
 [47.72503555, -122.34499682799999],
 [47.67668633, -122.276900993],
 [47.61395514, -122.33658468899999],
 [47.61090902, -122.33501787600001],
 [47.61201358, -122.340242172],
 [47.68596821, -122.37678968899999],
 [47.68596821, -122.37678968899999],
 [47.64102318, -122.31070781700001],
 [47.6862023, -122.36065074700001],
 [47.69704501, -122.290544116],
 [47.68015558, -122.324611421],
 [47.63620722, -122.302268438],
 [47.60878866, -122.338449515],
 [47.52849122, -122.38536349799999],
 [47.61135552, -122.320313017],
 [47.65475623, -122.344656988],
 [47.60622905, -122.31024879600001],
 [47.50728081, -122.251208634],
 [47.63750678, -122.325897131],
 [47.61477578, -122.338964332],
 [47.6169873, -122.320826482],
 [47.58610395, -122.335121518],
 [47.68252504, -122.263683194],
 [47.66864556, -122.39507632899999],
 [47.61122962, -122.325334378],
 [47.60241242, -122.331082199],
 [47.60832457, -122.339559369],
 [47.70025321, -122.32578976],
 [47.55305099, -122.330933137],
 [47.54607698, -122.28731645799999],
 [47.62028465, -122.33716576100001],
 [47.57593312, -122.412697629],
 [47.67163093, -122.377546904],
 [47.66899297, -122.311884295],
 [47.6322825, -122.347488629],
 [47.61952437, -122.293491681],
 [47.65835777, -122.361875641],
 [47.54487245, -122.319791691],
 [47.65948109, -122.363992484],
 [47.66595739, -122.382666321],
 [47.61170568, -122.338047718],
 [47.52211381, -122.345449913],
 [47.69782007, -122.348650455],
 [47.50318981, -122.262141935],
 [47.62511902, -122.327245106],
 [47.51654951, -122.378095285],
 [47.63965592, -122.376154128],
 [47.66957786, -122.33210684299999],
 [47.68299248, -122.327909297],
 [47.62371704, -122.324034002],
 [47.61980873, -122.32347145899999],
 [47.51293677, -122.387291152],
 [47.62073726, -122.29119018600001],
 [47.69288726, -122.30048929700001],
 [47.66945596, -122.386164941],
 [47.61173309, -122.341752608],
 [47.53155081, -122.285043308],
 [47.58610377, -122.33419784200001],
 [47.63057253, -122.34624506600001],
 [47.63057253, -122.34624506600001],
 [47.617225, -122.331208693],
 [47.54834584, -122.359799937],
 [47.57981194, -122.336785972],
 [47.55233647, -122.28546570299999],
 [47.67475338, -122.32545473799999],
 [47.66395556, -122.307204506],
 [47.67561847, -122.38758443],
 [47.57020992, -122.299174478],
 [47.61764104, -122.299964116],
 [47.51561012, -122.377978191],
 [47.53764263, -122.270432964],
 [47.61132124, -122.337320423],
 [47.609317600000004, -122.340467725],
 [47.64254854, -122.35555354],
 [47.70928167, -122.327311405],
 [47.68966673, -122.37680278200001],
 [47.64865856, -122.356463031],
 [47.61886279, -122.326726864],
 [47.60898867, -122.33632991700001],
 [47.57876777, -122.329057086],
 [47.657916799999995, -122.316665195],
 [47.65496124, -122.400897858],
 [47.57664991, -122.329058175],
 [47.587407, -122.38629843],
 [47.54053232, -122.32235312700001],
 [47.6296551, -122.32861062200001],
 [47.60214897, -122.334176844],
 [47.61044025, -122.336890505],
 [47.53704403, -122.28234489],
 [47.7031221, -122.320446727],
 [47.59450349, -122.30676185600001],
 [47.6449469, -122.36220636799999],
 [47.59834624, -122.320293271],
 [47.57303502, -122.287210701],
 [47.55838564, -122.36017028100001],
 [47.66504255, -122.37076455299999],
 [47.67780671, -122.372997239],
 [47.64503039, -122.34730244299999],
 [47.64503039, -122.34730244299999],
 [47.66867543, -122.381852063],
 [47.62208691, -122.350854024],
 [47.62457413, -122.35344531],
 [47.6122349, -122.31414739700001],
 [47.56019555, -122.385483507],
 [47.56060208, -122.26754606600001],
 [47.62973253, -122.345580055],
 [47.60684371, -122.320751354],
 [47.66943265, -122.36739025],
 [47.61768872, -122.34488168600001],
 [47.62973253, -122.345580055],
 [47.60774723, -122.333658663],
 [47.60690257, -122.34133454399999],
 [47.62973253, -122.345580055],
 [47.63101874, -122.367809798],
 [47.55838564, -122.36017028100001],
 [47.59519408, -122.30844125],
 [47.66401157, -122.315250735],
 [47.67325779, -122.36186049999999],
 [47.56408887, -122.278253691],
 [47.60805203, -122.327034667],
 [47.65311668, -122.330873403],
 [47.6010021, -122.30223583700001],
 [47.57841911, -122.393088616],
 [47.65311668, -122.330873403],
 [47.563474600000006, -122.377450223],
 [47.66220234, -122.37359542799999],
 [47.62792521, -122.340164663],
 [47.58716618, -122.334197241],
 [47.70313122, -122.32179756200001],
 [47.54106972, -122.343181979],
 [47.61222186, -122.34456269399999],
 [47.62461826, -122.335057541],
 [47.71354798, -122.34483426799999],
 [47.5876874, -122.317277214],
 [47.60278737, -122.33372665799999],
 [47.6136555, -122.345003455],
 [47.54667844, -122.27654799],
 [47.52377874, -122.353959159],
 [47.67954066, -122.372774996],
 [47.6159486, -122.33400670200001],
 [47.66057874, -122.317722691],
 [47.66852575, -122.30061896],
 [47.69036129, -122.267521781],
 [47.63534741, -122.366348559],
 [47.66217279999999, -122.311979511],
 [47.6907698, -122.306858192],
 [47.55061696, -122.258073024],
 [47.68776773, -122.332095474],
 [47.61090902, -122.33501787600001],
 [47.5563782, -122.3642723],
 [47.56563178, -122.364364861],
 [47.56563178, -122.364364861],
 [47.66487705, -122.30967533299999],
 [47.54472315, -122.357154115],
 [47.68125465, -122.36333503200001],
 [47.69418567, -122.34456496700001],
 [47.62597678, -122.321314955],
 [47.63954328, -122.348288096],
 [47.60478099, -122.319411925],
 [47.66332336, -122.298411155],
 [47.66764582, -122.384745436],
 [47.68245283, -122.324874674],
 [47.60088199, -122.33320019700001],
 [47.67123325, -122.28577456200001],
 [47.54657841, -122.320402556],
 [47.6614607, -122.36278640100001],
 [47.66222203, -122.319560828],
 [47.65281337, -122.351287648],
 [47.58716582, -122.333265005],
 [47.66987864, -122.410259546],
 [47.70270884, -122.366062642],
 [47.64494977, -122.361552606],
 [47.61909217, -122.312733013],
 [47.65905499, -122.313187755],
 [47.61201358, -122.340242172],
 [47.60170348, -122.322446855],
 [47.59541565, -122.3250699],
 [47.58716618, -122.334197241],
 [47.61094335, -122.30755406799999],
 [47.60878866, -122.338449515],
 [47.60878866, -122.338449515],
 [47.63077276, -122.29724785799999],
 [47.69431302, -122.279992473],
 [47.63888081, -122.287911853],
 [47.64965141, -122.32276538100001],
 [47.59901514, -122.313926471],
 [47.61467441, -122.318150199],
 [47.66129196, -122.316578939],
 [47.53705079, -122.28006028700001],
 [47.66748414, -122.31189877899999],
 [47.60046424, -122.330807495],
 [47.68776532, -122.331029784],
 [47.56646382, -122.372917421],
 [47.60241242, -122.331082199],
 [47.60241242, -122.331082199],
 [47.521028799999996, -122.36050810399999],
 [47.62501526, -122.355400414],
 [47.60126323, -122.298924267],
 [47.66357398, -122.31955133],
 [47.54195105, -122.376509787],
 [47.69056669, -122.34586451700001],
 [47.62034258, -122.352825467],
 [47.65905498, -122.31318776100001],
 [47.62137325, -122.36065193299999],
 [47.69418264, -122.344027064],
 [47.68621775, -122.35120611],
 [47.52103664, -122.369349379],
 [47.61465549, -122.320789514],
 [47.60878866, -122.338449515],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.51655904, -122.383451722],
 [47.51655904, -122.383451722],
 [47.66365981, -122.37218016],
 [47.56668347, -122.29415562700001],
 [47.57876967, -122.335125901],
 [47.63802564, -122.27710074299999],
 [47.61351259, -122.319440734],
 [47.56652333, -122.370781263],
 [47.60794735, -122.319031216],
 [47.56955142, -122.407487895],
 [47.69698014, -122.37679400299999],
 [47.66358876, -122.359825925],
 [47.60981273, -122.342879598],
 [47.68236016, -122.397057159],
 [47.5231392, -122.345463815],
 [47.5231392, -122.345463815],
 [47.61635384, -122.351549852],
 [47.59678343, -122.333268209],
 [47.5231392, -122.345463815],
 [47.68213816, -122.30396781299999],
 [47.62375649, -122.31261506],
 [47.62253997, -122.316763886],
 [47.55602579, -122.30451113299999],
 [47.69706855, -122.340798812],
 [47.68966673, -122.37680278200001],
 [47.65162002, -122.34262684299999],
 [47.60849931, -122.294920997],
 [47.67161721, -122.31566268200001],
 [47.60779562, -122.337541071],
 [47.61201358, -122.340242172],
 [47.60518283, -122.29492011],
 [47.642067499999996, -122.317179758],
 [47.61018166, -122.335119804],
 [47.49896304, -122.26101785799999],
 [47.57508408, -122.300628005],
 [47.61774596, -122.324504955],
 [47.62324273, -122.34758256100001],
 [47.72961502, -122.356905456],
 [47.6140898, -122.31879387],
 [47.60910568, -122.32569436],
 [47.54598711, -122.32192876299999],
 [47.65073869, -122.351298525],
 [47.57733075, -122.296206859],
 [47.66523531, -122.380436318],
 [47.59506342, -122.299060451],
 [47.62392112, -122.354103757],
 [47.66310579, -122.315262725],
 [47.5947223, -122.31198469200001],
 [47.51973681, -122.287181481],
 [47.60619596, -122.33147209799999],
 [47.68591024, -122.264216755],
 [47.65245059, -122.39040072],
 [47.670551700000004, -122.387587333],
 [47.58843679, -122.31542020399999],
 [47.5947223, -122.31198469200001],
 [47.66358802, -122.35002297700001],
 [47.66827034, -122.395374511],
 [47.5992282, -122.310924822],
 [47.69224997, -122.360660632],
 [47.60833603, -122.333430335],
 [47.52559207, -122.31492387899999],
 [47.61909217, -122.312733013],
 [47.60241242, -122.331082199],
 [47.60171616, -122.33026479],
 [47.59927753, -122.30051057899999],
 [47.59924291, -122.308315131],
 [47.5824281, -122.31470299600001],
 [47.59678343, -122.333268209],
 [47.66138373, -122.33313323899999],
 [47.64410503, -122.350662371],
 [47.65212542, -122.353942889],
 [47.56562936, -122.386771446],
 [47.71052598, -122.35416468],
 [47.70858578, -122.321918379],
 [47.56888116, -122.289921964],
 [47.63811678, -122.304228312],
 [47.7123018, -122.33809037],
 [47.72503036, -122.334864925],
 [47.68691723, -122.335985674],
 [47.61537831, -122.31065879799999],
 [47.61090902, -122.33501787600001],
 [47.60003505, -122.328314208],
 [47.6721403, -122.354383099],
 [47.66394943, -122.35396688],
 [47.60458687, -122.33767486299999],
 [47.56558496, -122.380088515],
 [47.69605174, -122.36269117],
 [47.652599, -122.35604503799999],
 [47.57422938, -122.32093822899999],
 [47.66553047, -122.354432771],
 [47.56179614, -122.288819395],
 [47.54706873, -122.28594737200001],
 [47.60832457, -122.339559369],
 [47.59877133, -122.325056926],
 [47.54488015, -122.29689067700001],
 [47.64829623, -122.332493897],
 [47.66365138, -122.365095114],
 [47.66395556, -122.307204506],
 [47.57067373, -122.288272089],
 [47.66590904, -122.38407773600001],
 [47.56401579, -122.301679152],
 [47.52556673, -122.34801499299999],
 [47.70579555, -122.346046913],
 [47.51045606, -122.278612078],
 [47.60392934, -122.311255074],
 [47.60709272, -122.307629047],
 [47.65245059, -122.39040072],
 [47.61465314, -122.326812324],
 [47.6538631, -122.371539267],
 [47.65309155, -122.391186601],
 [47.69061787, -122.359314737],
 [47.61581012, -122.322139361],
 [47.59919954, -122.315680055],
 [47.69512229, -122.355348867],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.66426055, -122.382134597],
 [47.67644095, -122.346604951],
 [47.666424600000006, -122.369685449],
 [47.6225886, -122.297502342],
 [47.70290617, -122.35408479799999],
 [47.61156267, -122.316778894],
 [47.54925505, -122.329580805],
 [47.67310479, -122.388862944],
 [47.61774908, -122.32397670600001],
 [47.61173309, -122.341752608],
 [47.66523531, -122.380436318],
 [47.57039471, -122.314756288],
 [47.53314344, -122.26998690299999],
 [47.708492799999995, -122.277281286],
 [47.6262637, -122.360616874],
 [47.65832864, -122.314363316],
 [47.66407381, -122.3250673],
 [47.55196129, -122.376307087],
 [47.60494346, -122.338001049],
 [47.65957993, -122.325133579],
 [47.61351259, -122.319440734],
 [47.66021064, -122.325124365],
 [47.614099100000004, -122.31748840799999],
 [47.61470207, -122.31423321],
 [47.66365981, -122.372180162],
 [47.72506164, -122.35792485700001],
 [47.66568132, -122.31522862799999],
 [47.70294273, -122.360747075],
 [47.5556806, -122.397091588],
 [47.65908266, -122.31550035],
 [47.7086028, -122.32461515799999],
 [47.60412808, -122.32344394],
 [47.68591024, -122.264216755],
 [47.5403814, -122.37124287200001],
 [47.59557258, -122.30116915],
 [47.57952399, -122.28571859600001],
 [47.57738881, -122.31045258700001],
 [47.55491458, -122.35478087899999],
 [47.58031251, -122.395328326],
 [47.60130276, -122.33418005200001],
 [47.61679884, -122.349327376],
 [47.61170568, -122.338047719],
 [47.57221261, -122.35259747100001],
 [47.53521435, -122.279354565],
 [47.73213862, -122.314070854],
 [47.61472125, -122.300091132],
 [47.67956073, -122.359961681],
 [47.62198179, -122.326872991],
 [47.56744279, -122.36329652],
 [47.65292347, -122.339335776],
 [47.69853101, -122.343967584],
 [47.59664771, -122.31028093799999],
 [47.701792100000006, -122.344655369],
 [47.701792100000006, -122.344655369],
 [47.61352655, -122.322102205],
 [47.61538897, -122.337024723],
 [47.62392989, -122.356714535],
 [47.63841488, -122.38916000200001],
 [47.59708197, -122.319640739],
 [47.59928482, -122.301685333],
 [47.66146817, -122.369692489],
 [47.62648333, -122.339128441],
 [47.68658392, -122.34450137399999],
 [47.61644612, -122.314914139],
 [47.5403814, -122.37124287200001],
 [47.69418264, -122.344027064],
 [47.66179829, -122.355436223],
 [47.62721548, -122.35016108399999],
 [47.65733179, -122.33260473600001],
 [47.68591024, -122.264216755],
 [47.682344, -122.37150300100001],
 [47.62957979, -122.322319735],
 [47.68252504, -122.263683194],
 [47.62394441, -122.360633329],
 [47.63057253, -122.34624506600001],
 [47.62460297, -122.361933981],
 [47.65703556, -122.35758014],
 [47.61294138, -122.302063749],
 [47.63141024, -122.346267302],
 [47.62022447, -122.326575529],
 [47.60829217, -122.337995355],
 [47.60578655, -122.324195215],
 [47.62673967, -122.352774412],
 [47.61581012, -122.322139361],
 [47.68591024, -122.264216755],
 [47.66944418, -122.377548728],
 [47.64846567, -122.37818565299999],
 [47.68252504, -122.263683194],
 [47.56888116, -122.289921964],
 [47.68252504, -122.263683194],
 [47.61778341, -122.327864009],
 [47.61934309, -122.318224655],
 [47.55446456, -122.28616159999999],
 [47.61221899, -122.308863594],
 [47.70856098, -122.317852211],
 [47.525586, -122.350563897],
 [47.70780643, -122.35547359200001],
 [47.53685595, -122.344504911],
 [47.59919591, -122.32831725],
 [47.66489247, -122.27439345299999],
 [47.64752222, -122.381977746],
 [47.6267157, -122.34624836299999],
 [47.59919954, -122.315680055],
 [47.6100189, -122.34282172700001],
 [47.59919954, -122.315680055],
 [47.65316235, -122.387930308],
 [47.72048199, -122.344946826],
 [47.62254749, -122.33043185700001],
 [47.52281565, -122.26998788],
 [47.67089179, -122.367385947],
 [47.51107441, -122.385813148],
 [47.66903527, -122.361858361],
 [47.67034534, -122.3141656],
 [47.69057898, -122.34991193200001],
 [47.67309753, -122.382130373],
 [47.52698191, -122.35507042799999],
 [47.52698191, -122.35507042799999],
 [47.6721505, -122.29689595],
 [47.6656429, -122.30946412899999],
 [47.53100159, -122.35277559],
 [47.67017143, -122.376213105],
 [47.66905294, -122.303946113],
 [47.664292700000004, -122.345298846],
 [47.55344408, -122.28758646600001],
 [47.52643322, -122.34165274700001],
 [47.66022054, -122.353852136],
 [47.56783713, -122.374045411],
 [47.55344408, -122.28758646600001],
 [47.56884139, -122.374026552],
 [47.56884139, -122.374026552],
 [47.6818033, -122.348140628],
 [47.62832451, -122.327099922],
 [47.60218266, -122.312875515],
 [47.63498835, -122.34228517700001],
 [47.58872351, -122.29358695],
 [47.66878893, -122.28079986],
 [47.66311774, -122.31742343299999],
 [47.62388673, -122.342355426],
 [47.66314071, -122.320715614],
 [47.607080200000006, -122.29364884200001],
 [47.62031402, -122.345007223],
 [47.67126428, -122.373581435],
 [47.53097632, -122.360446432],
 [47.72503555, -122.34499682799999],
 [47.52281565, -122.26998788],
 [47.58499648, -122.301629329],
 [47.60484128, -122.324096855],
 [47.71957221, -122.344936817],
 [47.52431706, -122.314946259],
 [47.53736411, -122.38851250299999],
 [47.52389209, -122.31495329399999],
 [47.53379271, -122.280824737],
 [47.66365981, -122.37218016],
 [47.7108808, -122.32601409999998],
 [47.61210339, -122.333808099],
 [47.70007202, -122.344634926],
In [45]:
(heatMapCSV['Crime Against Category']).unique()
array(['PROPERTY', 'SOCIETY', 'PERSON'], dtype=object)
In [46]:
(heatMapCSV['Month of OCCURENCE']).unique()
array(['February', 'January', 'November', 'December', 'September',
       'August', 'October', 'March', 'June', 'April', 'July', 'May'],
In [47]:
array(['Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories', 'Robbery',
       'Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property',
       'Theft From Motor Vehicle', 'Wire Fraud', 'Counterfeiting/Forgery',
       'Drug/Narcotic Violations', 'All Other Larceny',
       'Pornography/Obscene Material', 'Extortion/Blackmail',
       'Shoplifting', 'Motor Vehicle Theft', 'Theft From Building',
       'Driving Under the Influence', 'Stolen Property Offenses',
       'Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud', 'Identity Theft',
       'False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game', 'Impersonation',
       'Weapon Law Violations', 'Hacking/Computer Invasion',
       'Embezzlement', 'Bad Checks', 'Pocket-picking',
       'Drug Equipment Violations', 'Purchasing Prostitution',
       'Purse-snatching', 'Theft From Coin-Operated Machine or Device',
       'Liquor Law Violations', 'Arson',
       'Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations', 'Prostitution',
       'Assisting or Promoting Prostitution', 'Drunkenness',
       'Animal Cruelty', 'Welfare Fraud',
       'Operating/Promoting/Assisting Gambling', 'Bribery',
       'Betting/Wagering', 'Gambling Equipment Violation',
       'Trespass of Real Property', 'Aggravated Assault',
       'Simple Assault', 'Burglary/Breaking & Entering', 'Intimidation'],
In [48]:
# functions checks to see if offense (crime) committed is one of the top 5 most common of all years  
def isPopularOffense(offense):
    if offense == 'LARCENY-THEFT':
        return 'white'
    elif offense == 'BURGLARY/BREAKING & ENTERING':
        return 'red'
    elif offense == 'MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT':
        return 'blue'
        return 'yellow'
    elif offense == 'FRAUD OFFENSES':
        return 'green'
In [49]:
# Grabs only the 2020 year values to plot so that crimes in 1 year can be seen 
Offense Start DateTime Crime Against Category Offense Parent Group Offense Longitude Latitude Year Start Month of OCCURENCE
1 2020-02-03 08:00:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories -122.323399 47.675118 2020 February
2 2020-02-02 20:30:00 PROPERTY ROBBERY Robbery -122.299552 47.666384 2020 February
3 2020-02-05 01:17:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.384865 47.642927 2020 February
7 2020-02-04 20:30:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.355309 47.680527 2020 February
9 2020-02-04 20:20:00 PROPERTY DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property -122.304891 47.697564 2020 February
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4064 2019-12-10 14:20:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT All Other Larceny -122.329369 47.563804 2019 December
4065 2019-12-26 10:30:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT All Other Larceny -122.336885 47.608756 2019 December
4066 2019-12-23 18:00:00 PROPERTY FRAUD OFFENSES Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud -122.382130 47.561055 2019 December
4067 2019-12-16 20:00:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT All Other Larceny -122.318758 47.604359 2019 December
4068 2019-12-09 09:00:00 PROPERTY LARCENY-THEFT Theft From Motor Vehicle -122.358049 47.620363 2019 December

3000 rows × 8 columns

In [50]:
# function that iterates through 2020 crime data set and plots where any LARCENY-THEFT, BURGLARY/BREAKING & ENTERING,


for point in heatPlotIT.index:
    if heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Offense Parent Group']=='LARCENY-THEFT':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Offense Parent Group']=='BURGLARY/BREAKING&ENTERING':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Offense Parent Group']=='MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Offense Parent Group']=='DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM OF PROPERTY':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Offense Parent Group']=='FRAUD OFFENSES':

    map_parentGroup.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location=locationsCrimeList[point], fill='true',radius = 6,popup= 'Hi', fill_color=isPopularOffense(heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Offense Parent Group']),color = 'clear',fill_opacity=1))

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

From this map's display, it is easy to see that the most crimes fall under the Larceny Theft parent offense group (white) for the year 2020, just like for the overall trend for years 2008-2020.

In [51]:
# Function that colors the crime against category for crimes committed in 2020
def isCrimeAgainst(group):
    if group == 'PROPERTY':
        return 'red'
    elif group == 'SOCIETY':
        return 'green'
    elif group == 'PERSON':
        return 'blue'
    elif group == 'NOT_A_CRIME':
        return 'white'
In [52]:
# function that maps the crime against category for crimes committedd in 2020 

for point in heatPlotIT.index:
    if heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Crime Against Category']=='PROPERTY':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Crime Against Category']=='SOCIETY':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Crime Against Category']=='PERSON':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Crime Against Category']=='NOT_A_CRIME':

    map_crimeAgainst.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location=locationsCrimeList[point], fill='true',radius = 6,popup= 'Hi', fill_color=isCrimeAgainst(heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Crime Against Category']),color = 'clear',fill_opacity=1))

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

From this map, it is clear crimes against property (red) were the most common for 2020. This follows the analysis of the overall Seattle Crime data from 2008-2020 because crimes against property were found to be the most common crime.

In [53]:
# function that assigns month to seasons to be plotted for crimes committed in 2020 
def whatMonth(the_month):
    if the_month == 'January':
        return 'green'
    elif the_month == 'February':
        return 'green'
    elif the_month == 'March':
        return 'yellow'
    elif the_month == 'April':
        return 'yellow'
    elif the_month == 'May':
        return 'yellow'
    elif the_month == 'June':
        return 'white'
    elif the_month == 'July':
        return 'white'
    elif the_month == 'August':
        return 'white'
    elif the_month == 'September':
        return 'blue'
    elif the_month == 'October':
        return 'blue'
    elif the_month == 'November':
        return 'blue'
    elif the_month == 'December':
        return 'green'
In [54]:
# function that maps the season to location for crimes committed in 2020

for point in heatPlotIT.index:
    if heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='January':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='February':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='March':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='April':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='May':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='June':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='July':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='August':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='September':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='October':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='November':
    elif heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']=='December':

    map_month.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location=locationsCrimeList[point], fill='true',radius = 6,popup= 'Hi', fill_color=whatMonth(heatPlotIT.loc[point]['Month of OCCURENCE']),color = 'clear',fill_opacity=1))

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

From this map of crimes occuring per season, it is clear for the year 2020 it was overwhelmingly winter (green) for when most crimes occured. This finding contradicts the overall data from 2008-2020 analysis because for 2008-2020, most crimes were found to occur in the spring, but for 2020's map, we harddly see any crimes committed that occured in the spring (yellow).


Crimes in Seattle are at an all time high in the year 2020. The steep rise of crime can be attributed to the rapidly growing cost to live there and thus criminal activity increasing as natives are forced out of their homes to be replaced by wealthy transplants. It is important to note that the most common occuring crimes are non-violent crimes, indicating that some of the rise in crimes (robberies in particular) are committed only out of desperation to survive in an expensive city. Crimes occured the most frequently during spring on average from 2008-2020 but in the year 2020, crimes occured the most during winter. This can be attributed to the fact that shelters are much more limited in the winter and so many impoverished people are left to commit crimes out of necessity and because they have no other resources. I predict Seattle will continue to see it's crimes peak during the winter because of the COVID-19 economic fallout leaving many Americans in poverty.

In [ ]: